
Run a Call4Innovation to find exciting new opportunities.

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A platform for Call4Innovations

Skipso provides you with a platform to manage your Call4Innovations seamlessly


Structure the program to meet your specific requirements.


Evaluate solutions based on predefined criteria.


Collaborate seamlessly with all your stakeholders


Create a repository of ideas and solutions

Empowered innovation assessments

Empower the scouting team to conduct innovation assessments, offering insights and defining focus areas.

Submission management

Employ customizable submission forms to simplify the process for applicants, organizations, and experts to submit ideas, solutions, and proposals for open innovation.


Develop pre-defined scorecards to facilitate the assessment of technologies, solutions, and talent, while smoothly coordinating the evaluation process among all stakeholders.

Platform establishment for streamlined operations

Establish a platform to streamline program operations, engage scouting teams, select startups, and collaboratively design PoCs.

Innovation flow

Establish your open innovation pipeline within the platform, effortlessly transitioning ideas, projects, proposals, and solutions from one developmental stage to the next.


Empower the recommendation engine to facilitate valuable partnerships by creating matches between entities.

Database management

Maintain a comprehensive record of all information concerning your innovation partners and startups. Grant users ownership of profile data for their ideas or organizations, allowing your team to reduce time spent on database updates.

Strategic alignment of the scouting team

Ensure the scouting team's alignment with strategic priorities.


Guide users or teams through processes as projects progress through the stages of your open innovation funnel, requesting varying information at each stage.

Since 2021 Snam has been collaborating with Skipso for the development of Snaminnova.

Competence, passion, and dedication are the main qualities that are evident from the team from day one. Skipso's team is responsive to our every need and supports us in the daily evolution of the platform, a key asset for our Open Innovation strategy.
Giuseppe Paoli
Digital Transformation & Technology, Open Innovation Hub, Snaminnova
eleonora venuti

Skipso supported us to design, develop and launch the Federated Innovation @MIND digital platform.

The digital platform has a complex organizational structure and continually updated content and flows – Skipso's strength is its flexibility and proactive support!
Eleonora Venuti
Marketing & Business Community Manager,  MIND

The features available through the software are a big reason why we initially chose and continue to choose Skipso to run our challenges.

The ability to match startups to mentors within the system is important to us.
Jessica Smothermon
Director Operations, Cleantech Open
Amber J. Y.

I cannot imagine how much longer it would have taken

and how much more it would have cost to launch our ideation initiative without the Skipso Labs platform. It has been wonderful to house all of the information and processes in one place.
Amber J. Y.
Senior Program Manager, Hsc Next

In 2019, Skipso helped IsDB set up our Innovation platform ‘Engage’.

The platform was a complete ecosystem of entrepreneurs, researchers, investors and mentors from academia. Since then the highly responsive and enthusiastic team from SkipsoLabs has helped us to establish Engage as a well-known innovation hub.
Innovation Team
Islamic Development Bank

The Skipso team has worked incredibly hard to make the program an outstanding success.

The team’s effort as well as the high flexibility of their online awards management platform were absolutely essential for the great overall success of this program!
Arne Pingel
Global Product Manager, Syngenta

Find the right software solution for your Innovator Mangement program

Ebook: How to manage your corporate innovation process.

Download our guide to building an Innovation Ecosystem for public sector organizations and industry organizations.